
Very few students kept up with the blog project as assigned to us. Many students forgot and just viewed it more as an assignment than as a real means of communication with other japanese students. The course contains a lot of work as it is and I just dont feel that the blog project was truly effective. However, I think some individuals did enjoy having a new medium for interacting in japanese and valued the experience. Therefore, I think, as it was initially assigned to us, it should be something that is available to students but not a requirement. Better yet, if extra credit were to be assigned based on blog work I think that would be an effective incentive without the added pressure.








Here's my speech. That took forever to figure out.

I had my speech memorized fully but when I got up in front of the class it all slipped away. I only remembered the first two or three lines and then had to look down. That was very frustrating. I also had too many pauses and inconsistent fluency. There were many things I could improve on however I dont think it was the worst speech ever given.


私は私のへやにいますから、このしゅうまつはつまらないですよ。私はsociology paperを書きますから、三本を読みます。私は出かけたいです。でも、出かけてはいけません。私はいいグレードをとりたいですから。よくブログをわすれましたがしょう来わすれません。